professional coaching

As (soon to be) entrepreneur you can expect practical advice on entrepreneurial issues on the one hand: how do I build a strong brand? How does production work? What are my funding options? On the other hand you can ask advice on the psychological challenges or entrepreneurship: How do I stay loyal to myself and my intuition? How do I keep a level head amid the chaos? How do you deal with advisors and criticism?


You can request sessions by the hour for practical advice or we can plan a period of weekly or  bi-weekly sessions where I will stand by you as you develop your entrepreneurial skills. Learn more about the practice…


You will get practical advice from an experienced entrepreneur and concept developer with a broad professional network, with the added bonus of having someone at your side who is experienced in depth psychology. So in addition to practical issues, you can talk about personal challenges so the advise you get is aligned with you as a person and as an entrepreneur.


Is it for me?
The best way to find out is to try! Make an appointment for a (free) short introduction to see if you like it.